RhinoRoo Expresso Martini Cocktail

Mastering the Perfect Espresso Martini: A Step-by-Step Guide with Aussie Metric Measurements

The Espresso Martini has become a beloved cocktail for coffee and cocktail enthusiasts alike. With its perfect blend of coffee and spirits, it delivers a delightful combination of flavors and a caffeine kick.

In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the steps to create the perfect Espresso Martini with metric measurements for us Aussies, ensuring precision and consistency every time. And to elevate your cocktail-making experience, be sure to check out our RhinoRoo Cocktail Shaker Sets, including the classic Cobbler and versatile Boston Sets that are currently on sale for a limited time only!


  • 45ml vodka
  • 30ml coffee liqueur
  • 30ml freshly brewed espresso (cooled)
  • 15ml sugar syrup
  • Ice cubes
  • Coffee beans (for garnish)

Step-by-Step Instructions:

  1. Prepare your equipment: Grab your RhinoRoo cocktail shaker set, ensuring it is clean and ready for use. This high-quality shaker set will provide you with the tools you need for effortless cocktail mixing.

  2. Measure and add ingredients: Using the measuring jigger included in your RhinoRoo set, carefully measure 45ml of vodka, 30ml of coffee liqueur, 30ml of cooled espresso, and 15ml of sugar syrup. Add them to the cocktail shaker.

  3. Add ice: Place a generous amount of ice cubes into the shaker. The ice will help chill the cocktail and dilute it slightly for the perfect balance of flavors.

  4. Shake vigorously: Securely close the shaker and hold it firmly with both hands. Shake it vigorously for about 10-15 seconds, allowing the ingredients to combine and the ice to chill the mixture.

  5. Strain and serve: Using the built-in strainer or hawthorne strainer, carefully strain the cocktail into a chilled martini glass. This will help remove any ice shards or small particles, resulting in a smooth and velvety texture.

  6. Garnish and enjoy: For an elegant touch, garnish your Espresso Martini with a few coffee beans on top. The aroma of the coffee beans will enhance the sensory experience. Now, sit back, relax, and savor the perfect blend of coffee and spirits in your homemade Espresso Martini.

Ready to take your cocktail game to the next level? Enhance your mixology skills with our premium RhinoRoo cocktail shaker sets that are currently on sale for a limited time only! Whether you prefer the convenient Cobbler shaker or the timeless Boston shaker, our sets provide the essential tools for creating exceptional cocktails at home. Visit our website and explore our range of cocktail shaker sets to elevate your bartending experience.

With our detailed guide and the right equipment, you now have all the knowledge and tools needed to create the perfect Espresso Martini. Remember, precision in measurements and quality ingredients are key to achieving a well-balanced and flavorful cocktail. Don't forget to explore our RhinoRoo Cocktail Shaker Sets, designed to make your cocktail-making experience even more enjoyable. Cheers to mastering the art of the Espresso Martini!

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